Recherche personnalisée

Monday, February 25, 2008

Living in the shadows

Mariana Van Zeeler, a reporter from Current TV, which is a kind of alternative media created by Al Gore, made a report on Subsaharian illegal immigrants who became trapped in Morocco as trespassing by Ceuta and Melilla became more difficult. This report was made in 2006.

I remember I saw some of them begging in Rabat, especially in Agdal railstation and Agdal area. In Casablanca too these people can be seen in popular areas. Very awful situation but the worst is holiding a refugee card doesn't protect its possessor in Morocco.


Anonymous said...

C'est triste ce que vivent ces étrangers désirant rejoindre l'autre rive.
J'avais vu il y a de ca 4 ans une émission de Reda Benjelloun conscarée à ce sujet. Elle m'avait bouleversé et marqué à jamais.

Triste sort que celui des africains (afrique du nord & afrique noire)

Anonymous said...

Passe par chez moi il y a un colis pour toi :)

Medmouad said...

@une marocaine:
Merci beaucoup.
C'est bizarre, ça me rappelle le cadeau du commissaire Gilbert dans "Taxi 3" :p