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Friday, September 14, 2007

Merchandising stupide-Stupid merchandising

Ces images ont été prises à Acima Bd Ibn Tachfine, Casablanca. Si dans les 2 dernières images, ces produits ont été placés par des clients stupides, la première est une erreur faite par les chargés de mettre les produits dans le rayon. Les conserves contenant du porc doivent être placés d'une façon que le client pourra identifier si le produit est halal ou non. Mais, ici, il est difficile de constater la différence car le conserve du cassoulet est entouré des conserves de charcuteries halal. Je n'ai pas dit qu'il faut jeter ce cassoulet ou tout produit qui contient du porc car il existe des clients qui peuvent l'acheter. C'est le cas notamment des étudiants africains ou des non-musulmans de passage.

These pictures were taken in Acima Bd Ibn Tachfine, Casablanca. If in the 2 last pictures, it may be done by stupid customers, the error made in the first one is very stupid for the guys charged with the organization of goods. Food stuff with pork must be put in a way customers can know whether the product is halal or not. But here, it's difficult to know that because around this "cassoulet" there are halal meat processed products. But to make it clear, I did


xoussef said...

true, not very smart of the Acima employees, but, in general, i think it's up to the buyer to make sure what he purchases is in accordance with his religious beliefs, medical needs or else. it would have been different if the product's packaging didn't clearly mention that it was Halal or containing pork meet, which is not the case.
but yeah, you said it, bad merchandising.
3wacher mebrouka

Medmouad said...

I am wondering whether Acima workers have learned some stuffs about merchandising or there are professional merchandisers in both Acima and Marjane (Without talking about competitors). They have to be more profesionnal and precise when placing goods in their zone.
Thank you and Mabrouk Ramadan. Tell me about the actual situation of your deal ASAP.

Nasrédine said...

Dans ce cas c'est plûtôt des "fainéants" qui sont chargés de
la "mise en rayon ...
Plus d'infos sur le halal?
Produits,fournisseurs et nouveaux produits
